Marlboro Twp, NJ
RENOVA was contracted to remediate contaminated wetlands at the Burnt Fly Bog Superfund site in Marlboro Township, NJ. During the 1950s and 1960s, hazardous materials from waste oil operations were dumped and stored in lagoons at this 60-acre site, leading to widespread contamination impacting soil, surface water, and sediment. Contaminants of concern include lead, PCBs, and total petroleum hydrocarbons. Although soil excavation and disposal took place in 1993 and 2004, elevated concentrations of lead and PCBs remained onsite.
The prescribed remediation strategy addressed the remedial action objectives outlined in the Record of Decision, which included reducing exposures to PCBs and lead in soil that exceed state and federal cleanup criteria in the Westerly Wetlands while minimizing the extent of wetlands excavation. Additionally, the strategy controlled the release of contaminants into surface waters during storm events, reduced exposure to PCBs and lead for ecological receptors, and restored the Westerly Wetlands to a productive ecosystem.
Two lead and PCB “hot spots” within the Westerly Wetlands were targeted using the soil amendment Apatite II. A total of 10 tons of amendment were applied to stabilize contaminants by forming stable minerals and adjusting soil pH. The amendments were broadcast and mixed to a depth of six to eight inches to limit disturbance to wetland vegetation. Although RENOVA anticipated mixing the amendments by machine, moist soil conditions deemed it unsafe to track an excavator onsite. RENOVA pivoted and mobilized personnel to the site to manually mix the amendments.
Post-treatment, 12,100 square feet of erosion control blankets and 600 linear feet of coir logs were installed to stabilize the area and prevent the migration of amendments This project successfully reduced contaminant mobility while minimizing ecological impacts, meeting regulatory and environmental goals for the wetland area. RENOVA completed work safely and with no recordable incidents, ahead of schedule, and on budget.