New Jersey
RENOVA was contracted as the prime contractor to install stone-filled Polymeric Marine Mattresses (PMMs) to serve as an engineering control cap overlaying a historic hexavalent chromium impact along the Newark Bay shoreline in Bayonne, NJ. The previously existing cap, comprised of Polymeric Vegetated Soil, was installed in 2018 and failed to establish adequate growth due to an increase in tides and debris accumulation. RENOVA proposed the installation of 28 PMMs, secured in place with 56 galvanized cast iron anchors. RENOVA prepared a comprehensive Health and Safety Plan (HASP), Work Plans, PMM design and layout, and an existing conditions topographical survey. RENOVA mobilized to the project location in November 2022, staked the low tide line, and measured water depths. Marine assets were mobilized to the site during this time, including a spud barge, tug, and work skiff. The spud barge was used to transport personnel, materials, and a 30-ton excavator to and from the work area. RENOVA then began site activities by clearing debris and trash deposited by tide cycles from the area. Removed debris was consolidated within barge-mounted roll-off containers for off-site transportation and disposal.
Once the site was prepared, RENOVA worked to install the pre-filled PMMs, secured with anchors. The mattresses were installed directly over the existing PVS cap using the excavator. Gaps between the mattresses were filled with loose 3” stone. Once all 28 mattresses and 56 anchors were installed, RENOVA load tested the anchors to the required minimum of 1 Kip in tension with a licensed New Jersey engineer present. All equipment and machinery were then demobilized from the work area.
Throughout the project, RENOVA coordinated closely with the client and their environmental consultant, allowing challenges on-site to be addressed promptly. RENOVA completed work on site ahead of schedule with no reportable incidents.