New Jersey
RENOVA was contracted by an environmental engineering firm, on behalf of a developer, as the implementation contractor to excavate and dispose of TSCA PCB, RCRA hazardous, and nonhazardous contaminated soil from a former paint manufacturing facility in Edison, NJ. Prior to mobilization, RENOVA prepared comprehensive submittals, including a HASP, work plans, and slide rail shoring design. A geophysical mark-out was performed and then RENOVA mobilized 50- and 20- ton excavators, 4-CY loader, and bulldozer to the work area, slide rail shoring posts and panels, poly crane mats, dewatering equipment, and support equipment/vehicles to the work area. RENOVA then began site activities by surveying and laying out the excavation areas, installing a poly crane mat haul road and erosion and sediment controls. Once the site was prepared, RENOVA began to excavate three areas that contained 500 tons of TSCA PCB impacted soil. Two of the three areas required slide rail shoring down to 18′ below grade. During the excavation of these areas, the team used dewatering equipment to pump approximately 1MM gallons of water from the three excavations. The soil was excavated, moisture conditioned, and placed into intermodal railroad containers for transportation and disposal to a subtitle C landfill. The crew then began to excavate the last area which was comprised of seven separate shoring sections to depths of 15′ below grade. In area four, the crew excavated and disposed of 1400 tons of Non-Hazardous PCB and VOC impacted soil, 100 tons of RCRA hazardous benzene, and PCB impacted soil. The RCRA hazardous soil was sent off-site for treatment and disposal. Due to the high VOC levels in area four, the majority of the work was performed in USEPA Level C PPE. Upon completion of the excavations, the crew placed and compacted 2000 tons of clean aggregate and topsoil to match the preconstruction grades. The site was then restored with seed and mulch. Throughout the project, RENOVA coordinated closely with the client and their consulting engineer, allowing on-site challenges to be addressed promptly.
RENOVA completed the work on schedule with no reportable incidents.