New Jersey
RENOVA was selected by the petroleum company’s consulting engineer as the prime contractor to implement a 29,000-ton soil excavation at a former petroleum processing and distribution site in New Jersey. Residential dwellings flanked the site on two sides, underscoring the importance of informing the neighbors and isolating them from the effects of construction. Renova addressed the residents at a community outreach event and throughout the project. Truck traffic was isolated from the neighborhood through proactive logistical planning and tracking of debris from the trucks was eliminated by sequential project execution. Renova installed temporary fencing with sound blankets and coordinated police oversight for traffic control. Perimeter air monitoring was established at 12 locations surrounding the site, confirming no off-site impacts. Lastly, movement markers were monitored by a surveyor, confirming that no settling occurred in the homeowners’ vicinity.
Site preparation included installation of a sewer connection for treated water discharge, removal of permanent fencing, tree removal, and silt fencing installation. Topographic and utility surveys were performed prior to excavation. Renova’s crew then excavated and loaded out contaminated soil, asphalt, and a concrete pad. Renova stabilized lead-contaminated soil on site to reduce the constituent to a non-hazardous level for disposal. Once remediation was completed in each area, densely graded aggregate was spread and compacted. Renova used a shoring box, for excavations depths of 6 to 14 feet, along the site perimeter to prevent embankment failure along the adjacent properties.
Once all work was completed on site, permanent fencing was installed around the property and the site was restored. Renova completed the project without safety incidents and to the client’s satisfaction.