RENOVA served as the prime contractor for an ongoing effort to evaluate the nature and extents of historic impacts and mitigate future spread of contaminants via LTM, sampling, free product recovery, and land use control (LUC) inspections at active military installations for the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). The installations included the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Philadelphia, PA and Naval Support Activity (NSA) Crane in Crane, IN.
The former Tank Farm 950 at NSWC Philadelphia operated 15 aboveground storage tanks from 1905 until 2003 when it was dismantled. Site assessments, investigations, and remediations have taken place at the former Tank Farm 950 since 1989. Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) 01, within NSA Crane, was a former waste burial area until the 1960s. Mustard gas and thorium-contaminated media, once buried at SWMU 01, have since been exhumed.
RENOVA was contracted to gauge the depth to groundwater and thickness of free product in multiple monitoring well networks at the installations. Groundwater samples were collected by RENOVA using standard EPA Low Stress (Low-Flow) Purging and Sampling Procedures and were analyzed by Department of Defense (DoD) and state-certified laboratories. RENOVA compiled annual reports for each contract year of each project to detail all events and provided recommendations for future site work. Additional work was awarded to Renova through contract modifications at NSWC Philadelphia, including limited soil remediation, transportation, and disposal, and the completion of a Natural Source Zone Depletion (NSZD) Study. Renova is currently responsible for groundwater monitoring at the site and is preparing a Remedial Action Completion Report (RACR) for submission to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) to request site closure.
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