Renova Environmental Company

Hybrid Living Shoreline




New Jersey

Completion Year



RENOVA was selected as the implementation contractor to stabilize an eroding shoreline utilizing natural and nature-based features (NNBFs) to protect the 200 residential units of a condominium association on Shark River Island in Neptune, New Jersey. RENOVA worked closely with the key stakeholders, with involvement from the engineer of record, American Littoral Society (ALS), New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and United States Army Corps of Engineers.

The marine mattresses selected for the project were designed and manufactured by ECOncrete® to enable a biodiverse ecosystem of marine life to grow on the grooved, concrete substrate. The mattresses effectively reduce flood risk, protect the nearby residences, stabilize the shoreline, and expand the marsh buffer.

RENOVA mobilized to the site in July 2021 and coordinated the implementation schedule within the tidal cycle. Clean fill was imported and placed to regrade the eroded shoreline and then covered with geotextile fabric to ensure stability. Forty-two (42) marine mattresses were emplaced along the shoreline via crane. RENOVA then constructed two (2), 100ft sills within the adjacent marsh area, constructed of Tensar® polymer gabion baskets and filled in place with 3-5” riprap stone. The installation was swiftly coordinated between tidal changes to shuttle stone and fill and lace the gabion baskets closed.

RENOVA then imported and placed additional clean fill to regrade the marsh area behind the sill. The site was restored with saltmarsh cordgrass and upland shrubs, coordinated by the American Littoral Society (ALS) and their volunteers. RENOVA completed the project with zero reportable incidents or safety concerns.



Completion Date: